Welcome EON Summer School 2023 (28.8-01.09-2023)

Polsterberger Hubhaus 2022

Polsterberger Hubhaus 2023

Area of Interest

We plan to work in the area of the forest district “Claustahl” which is in the west of the City Claustahl-Zellerfeld.

This forest area was dominate by spruce trees which all died in the last years

You can download the geopackage with the AOI here:


You can view UAV-images provided by Dr. Hans Fuchs from University of Göttingen here ( to view the online maps in Firefox browser you need to accept unsecure connections in the panel left of the url (lock symbol)):


Datasets & Sensors


  • Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data ca. 2016
  • UAV RGB & multispectral data 2022 2023
  • DOP (20cm)
  • PlanetScope Scene (R,G,B,NIR) covering the entire Harz from 24.08.2022
  • Digitial elevation model (25m) from https://land.copernicus.eu/imagery-in-situ/eu-dem/eu-dem-v1.1 covering the entire Harz

Sensors & Equipment

  • HAWK:
    • Mavic 3 (Enterprise + Thermal + Multispectral)
    • GNSS (Emlid, Alberding, Garmin)
    • Tablets (Android)
    • Forest Measurement Devices (diameter tapes, calipers, vertex, laser range finders, …)
    • GeoSlam Mobile Laser Scanner
  • Uni Münster:
    • Mica Sens red edge (Multispektral)
    • WIRIS thermal camera
    • L1 Lidar (Dji)
    • Sony Alpha (42mp) RGB camera
    • ppm 10xx GNSS Sensor

Programm (Draft)

  • Monday (Waldhaus):
    • 12-13:00 Check-in @ “The Cabin” (Waldhaus) Oderbrück
    • 14:00h Welcome & Introduction
    • 15:30-18:00h Conceptional project development (all)
  • Tuesday (Waldhaus & Excursion):
    • 09:00-12:00 Excursion with local forest district manager to get an introduce to the Harz region and its current situation
    • 12:30 Lunch (Waldhaus)
    • 14:00-16:00 Group work
    • 16:00-18:00 Block 1 Collection of reference data in the context of forest monitoring (Paul Magdon, HAWK)
  • Wednesday (Waldhaus & Excursion):
    • 9:00-12:00 Exkursion to National Park Harz and meeting with park researchers
    • 13:00 Lunch
    • 14:00 - Joint data collections campaign @ Polstertalerhubhaus
  • Thursday (Waldhaus):
    • 9:00:10:00 Block 2 Measuring microclimate with mobile climate station (Chris Reudenbach, Uni Marburg)
    • 10:00-11:00 Block 3 Modelling microclimate (Chris Reudenbach, Uni Marburg)
    • 11:00-12:00 group work
    • 12:00-12:30 Lunch
    • 12:30-14:00 human sensing of the environment (a.k.a walk & talk)
    • 15:00-17:30 Block 4 “Machine learning and validation” (Hanna Meyer, Uni Münster)
  • Friday (Waldhaus):
    • 09:00-11:00 Group work
    • 11:00-12:00 Presentation of the group work
    • 12:00-13:00 Workshop closing / evaluation
    • 14:00 pm Departure


  • We will stay @ The Cabin Oderbrück: https://oderbrueck.de/uebernachten-2/the-cabin-oderbrueck
  • Costs: 25€/Person/Night, we will collect the money in cash from you.


  • the house offers a great kitchen which will be used for the self catering
  • we plan to buy food & drinks jointly and organise the cooking etc on our own. So be prepared to help with the cooking etc.

What to bring?

  • Enthusiasm for forest monitoring and remote sensing :)
  • A laptop where you have admin permissions and with the following software installed:
    • R/Rstudio
    • QGIS
    • Notepad++
  • Outdoor/Hiking gear
  • You can bring you own bed linen or rent it (~9€)
  • Slippers